Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Day 11: Antigua, Guatemala

Yesterday I went on a trip to see a Volcano. You can see my photos of that, and lots more at

It was an awesome time. The hike up was gruelling. Our guide has been doing the same hike twice a day for years, so he went really fast, and I'm totally out of shape. But when we got to the top it was totally worth it to see red hot lava flowing right next to me! Wow! It was hot. Some people's soles melted right off their shoes! I lost some of my tread, which made the hike down a little slippery, but I didn't fall so I'm happy. We saw a snake that the guide said is really dangerous. He says that if it had bit one of us, we'd have about ten minutes to live. That was very comforting.

Met some nice people on the trip, and afterwards went out for a drink with a Norweigan girl that had an Australian accent and some of her friends. Good times!

In about an hour we are catching a van to Guatemala City, where we intend to not get mugged. Intentions are worth something, right?